The online racing simulator
A new way to look at online stats.
The colour coded sectors are cool, but asides from that, how is it different?
More F1 Ish. I don't like looking at a flat image, nor do I like looking at a track with no stats. . Speaking of this, I really need to get a ms2time function that does it's job. If there is minutes, then put in minutes, don't be lazy about it and use how many seconds ... any one have a function they are willing to share in PHP?
#4 - filur
Looks really nice.

Quote from Dygear :Speaking of this, I really need to get a ms2time function that does it's job. If there is minutes, then put in minutes, don't be lazy about it and use how many seconds.

Didn't really get this, describe it a bit more and i could give it a try.

nice site!
Quote from Dygear :Speaking of this, I really need to get a ms2time function that does it's job. If there is minutes, then put in minutes, don't be lazy about it and use how many seconds ... any one have a function they are willing to share in PHP?

I don't understand exactly what you mean. It seems to look ok at your site.
Please give an example, if you still need help from another phpbeginner. 8)

#7 - filur

function dispTime($time$fraction$noPrefixZero false) {
$secs floor($time $fraction);
$time $time floor($secs $fraction);
    if (
$time 10)
$time "0$time";
$ret = @date("i:s",$secs).".$time";
    if (
$ret preg_replace("/0([1-9]):/","\\1:",$ret);
dispTime(859501000) . "\n";
dispTime(8595100) . "\n";
dispTime(859501000true) . "\n";
dispTime(8595100true) . "\n";

This function worked last time i suggested it, and it works now too. (Aston north/BF1 time in example calls).
Thanks, I'll give a shot.
Yea, it worked like a charm, thank you very much. Gave you a little plug on the front page for that .