The online racing simulator
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(13 posts, started )
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How do you take a screenshot?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :Your PrntScrn key, followed by pasting into a graphics program. There's no screen-grabbing function in LFS.

Nice username!

what graphic program, is paint one?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#5 - SamH
Quote from thisnameistaken :Yeah paint's fine.

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from SamH ::jawdrop:

Only PSP or Fireworks will do for this guy - i bet he's already got a deposit on S4! XD
#7 - SamH
hehe.. GIMP is, as Kev says, a good and freebie. I must try it sometime.. how the other half lives, etc
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#8 - SamH
Quote from spsamsp :Only PSP or Fireworks will do for this guy - i bet he's already got a deposit on S4! XD

PSP? Pah! Fireworks? ::scoff::!! I'm an Adobe fan, through and through.

Just don't remind me that the two are the same now! I'm still struggling to come to terms with the fact that my posh Telewest cable service has been BOUGHT OUT by smeggy underclass NTL!! Waaaaaaaaah!!
#9 - bbman
Quote from thisnameistaken :To be honest I haven't used GIMP since... 2001 or something. It's probably an assload better than I remember it. It used to be pretty capable but with a rather ropey unfriendly interface (despite copping most of Adobe's tricks), so if the UI's helpful now it should be a really nifty tool.

Nope, it's still a very complicated interface... But after you get used to it, you'll realise that it really isn't so far behind those (very expensive) programs by Adobe or Corel...
I have read and searched thru the forum back and forth, but couldn't find an answer for my noobish quesiton:
How can I put the camera for a birdeye view so high, that I can make a single screenshot of the whole Autocross layout? I remember there was some kinda hack for that. Or some other solution for Autocross (or other map) birdeye views? Even some crappy ortho top view would be better than nothing.
shift +U for autocross editor, "V" till you get the overhead, then CTRL and up arrow to zoom out
#12 - SamH
^^^ what he said, plus 5 (zoom in) and 6 (zoom out) for the field of view, until everything is in view and framed
Thanks guys, but can the camera go higher than 40m? Some hex editing maybe? Just if you know, if there is no such finished working solution, forget it as another idea of this kind ---> illepall

edit: I've tried max height 40m and max width of FOV and the engine is already having difficulties with a depth buffer (chalk on layouts tend to dissappear), so maybe anything higher than 40m is not such a bright idea.
Thanks for your tips though!

How to...
(13 posts, started )