The online racing simulator
en los lados los coches no se dañan :S
(10 posts, started )
en los lados los coches no se dañan :S
Buenas queria comentar que las puertas de los coches es decir los laterales no se dañan.
Translation: "Hi, I would like to comment that car doors don' have damages"
#3 - Buzzn
Sorry but my spanish aint that good but i will try:

Este no es un error, pero es algo que los desarrolladores no han tomado todavía. Hay otras cosas que son importantes antes de fijar las pequeñas cosas como esta.

Hope this wasnt that off :P
Quote from Buzzn :
Este no es un error, pero es algo que los desarrolladores no han tomado todavía. Hay otras cosas que son importantes antes de corregir las pequeñas cosas como esta.

I must say that I'm quite impresed with that translation, it's quite good
#5 - Buzzn
Quote from Whiskey :I must say that I'm quite impresed with that translation, it's quite good

tnx its been a long time sins i had it in school and i dont use it that often so its starting to dissapear :P


I see you have corrected someting and i see the error so its all not gone :P
what is the translation to buzzn's spanish
This is not an error, but it is something that developers have not taken yet. There are other things that are important before fixing the little things like this.

Google translator helps...
Well I've only taken one year of Spanish, but

Este no es un error, pero es algo que los desarrolladores no han tomado todavía. Hay otras cosas que son importantes antes de fijar las pequeñas cosas como esta.

There is not an error, but this is something that the developers have still not developed yet. There are other things that are more important than developing things such as this.
I'll start to think that Spanish is one of the easiest languajes to learn

Here learn English take us about 6 years of school to reach a decent level
Yes but there were many words I translated

en los lados los coches no se dañan :S
(10 posts, started )