The online racing simulator
Set race length by time, not number of laps.
Hello All,
Is it possible to set race length by time, not number of laps. Anything from a few minutes up to epic 24hr races?
#2 - amp88
You can specify a number of hours using the "/hours" command. For example: /hours 6 will create a 6 hour race. Unfortunately there's no way to run a race for 20 minutes, for example.

edit: See here for a lot more commands you can use.
In menu, where you choose track and all that stuff, and where is lap counter...
Press the increase lap button with RIGHT mouse, after few clicks you will pass from laps to hours. I don't know from which number does it start, but it can go up to 48h.
Quote from amp88 :You can specify a number of hours using the "/hours" command. For example: /hours 6 will create a 6 hour race. Unfortunately there's no way to run a race for 20 minutes, for example.

edit: See here for a lot more commands you can use.

Actually, Airio (Full/Pro version iirc) Can do time limited races under 1 hour, i've been to R2R TBO server where were 10 minutes races (+ finish the lap)
Brilliant. Thanks guys.
Timed races under 1 hour are the result of an insim app.