The online racing simulator
Round 10 Post-Race and Results
Talk about the race here !

I'm very glad to see the 1stBFA drivers race - excellent stuff from you guys, hope to see you the rest of the season.

And as always, thanks to all who raced, sorry for the long SC period, and sorry for my sucky driving - I'm no Bernd Maylander.

Remember, anything you want looked into (investigated), email a complaint to jpalmerjp (at)

#2 - AMB
Great for me, O wait, password wasn't sent. (again)
Quote from AMB :Great for me, O wait, password wasn't sent. (again)

I give the password in-server right before session starts, usually.

It's never set till rigth before the session, anyway.

Horrible race for me... Had to go for a 6 stopper :P

Woke up 5 minute before race start, didnt have time to actually wake up and brush my teeth and all that i just jumped outta the bed, turned PC on, got on MSN asked for pass, joined server and there was some qual time. My goal was to score points and thats it. Don't really care about position because I had 13 laps of practice. :S Blame school.

Anyways, so I get in and crash first lap, crash later on and crash and crash and ended up getting to the pits repairing damage 6 times. Joy. I was going to get 4th and was happy and was going to keep it and I was telling myself ''I wont crash, I wont crash, I wont crash'' and BANG I crash... Get into pits for that 6th time and Roby passes me :S.

Anyways, next round I'll try to practice but I have a really busy week again... I think its something like 2 tests, 1 oral presentation and 1 project due this week :S.
Quote from SilverArrows77 :Would have been a good race on FE Black Tired to watch it via the stream but my crap connection wouldnt let me (cant wait till that changes lol)

Any chance of someone posting the replay?

I'll zip up the replays of Qual and Race (both QUal bits :-P ) and up them in a short bit.

Quote from SilverArrows77 :Would have been a good race on FE Black Tired to watch it via the stream but my crap connection wouldnt let me (cant wait till that changes lol)

Any chance of someone posting the replay?

Do you not admin anymore for this league?
I slept in Deko, sorry Blame Ducky and Arrow.
#8 - AMB
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :I slept in Deko, sorry Blame Ducky and Arrow.

Same woke up at like 3 or 4 I can't even remember.
Apologies for failing as the SC driver.

I did a Joseph and ran onto the grass at T1, then had to go after 1 lap
The following incidents are under investigation, and decisions will be made within the next 48 or so hours.

Incident occurring at approximately 29:45 into the Race Replay, involving 1stBFA J. Naehring and [FRO] A.Eriksson.

Incident occurring at approximately 30:50 into the Race Replay, involving [AMD] J.Roby, [SR] T.Elalaoui, and 1stBFA J.Naehring

Incident occurring at approximately 38:30 into the Race Replay, and involved 1stBFA J.Naehring and [SR] T.Elalaoui

Quote from dekojester :The following incidents are under investigation, and decisions will be made within the next 48 or so hours.

Incident occurring at approximately 29:45 into the Race Replay, involving 1stBFA J. Naehring and [FRO] A.Eriksson.

Incident occurring at approximately 30:50 into the Race Replay, involving [AMD] J.Roby, [SR] T.Elalaoui, and 1stBFA J.Naehring

Incident occurring at approximately 38:30 into the Race Replay, and involved 1stBFA J.Naehring and [SR] T.Elalaoui


The incident between me and [SR] T.Elalaoui was more my fault than his. As you know, I use a mouse, meaning that when I type, my steering wheel straightens and I have no power; at this point, [SR] T.Elalaoui was not expecting me to be going so slowly hence hitting me up the back. However, from what I can remember, 1stBFA J.Naehring just went straight into the back of me for no reason at all which knackered my suspension.

Love this one silver, good to have you back! Great 1-2 from FRO fighting off the newcomer challenge of the 1st boys. Great racing from everyone Only started prac at this combo after beers on friday evening and was hoping merely for a decent points finish at best.

Thanks again to deko and jatco as mods for making the race possible even though the SC driving was in high question i made more mistakes trying to keep tyres warm behind SC than in race!

SC needs to be driven on the racing line and at a decent pace (within 5s/lap of it's ultimate pace IMO) otherwise it kind of undermines the notion of making the racing more real, it just makes it more dangerous. Hope this is constructive
Sorry bout the SC situation. I had to go @ 3.50 BST, and the safety car was sent out at about 3.45 BST. I said to deko that i could do if it was quick, and it wasn't. I kinda was waiting a bit for the other cars to catch up, whilst trying to keep a decent pace. Sorry bout that, and about going off @ T1
Results of investigations, based on opinions of replying stewards into my final decision:

Incident occurring at approximately 29:45 into the Race Replay, involving 1stBFA J. Naehring and [FRO] A.Eriksson.

WARNING issued to J. Naehring for failing to obey the conditions of the track ahead.

Incident occurring at approximately 30:50 into the Race Replay, involving [AMD] J.Roby, [SR] T.Elalaoui, and 1stBFA J.Naehring

WARNING to all drivers involved for behaviour under SC.

Incident occurring at approximately 38:30 into the Race Replay, and involved 1stBFA J.Naehring and [SR] T.Elalaoui

Racing Incident, no Penalties.

Results are official now.

Nice ones. Think you could send that carsound please?
Quote from evilpimp :Nice ones. Think you could send that carsound please?

Lol i use default sounds... the sound became distorted after the youtube upload process
Wow youtube sure knows how to make an F1 car sound good.
hmmm, maybe i should stay out the way more often.

Great result FRO team. Brilliant 1 and 2nd nice work for sure.

Get it done brothers.

Ill be back.

Best, Maz
wooo. maz! =)
Nice clips Paul, but I have a Q for you! Can I have your custom view settings please? XD
I just tried to replicate the position of the camera over the airbox (or slightly infront of to avoid clipping) and turned on "rotate view with steer" setting (and maybe increased the move with force settings a bit) I dont race with this view BTW.