The online racing simulator
#26 - Dru
Quote from LFSn00b :-1, i like to overtake slower people :P

but how can you overtake yourslef Niko?


just qualify bad then

sorry niko had to say it,

i also like the first 8 rev. grid idee more
Quote from TFalke55 :There is a programm called LFSPoints which works brilliant... as far as I tested it out...
so callculate the points should not be the problem...
as last season I could release some unofficial championchip standings after the race 'til the replays are reviewed (because of protests) and the official standings are released

Yeah, I've heard of the program, but I was looking for a mix of lfspoints and ctra X
ide love to race this season and as for the cars, if you can match the performance pretty well(so there isnt constant lapping) have them as seperate classes
#30 - mr_x
OK my ideas, I've skimmed through most of this thread so sorry if they've been mentioned:

Multi-Class racing, have some in UF1.3 and some in UF1. Make it fair so there will be some UF1s in the field to race with, then you get the added skills of lapping the slower cars (which I presume they are).

Keep it to the short tracks, there's nothing more boring than being in a car that does a max speed of 90mph if you push it having 4 minute laps. There's not enough races held on the shorter tracks these days.

Run 2 races per round of equal length (20 mins sound good) at the same track.

Ballast - becoming much more common in motorsport these days, makes the racing closer and the championship much closer. Should run in BTCC style where the top 4 or 5 in the championship carry ballast through practice/quali and race 1, then race 2 the ballast is determined by finishing positions in race 1.

Drop scores: allow people to drop their 2 worst event scores. This also allows people a bit more freedom so that effectively they can miss 2 rounds and have a social life.

Also keep it to 1 night a week. Thursday nights are good, but personally I can't do them until mid-October.
Quote from KeiichiRX7 :Pay attention, I said divisions, not classes.

You confused me with divisions AND classes, the first comment (A) talks about the 2 classes, UF1 & UFR, the second comment (B) mentions them being equally skilled. Thats why i didnt get what you were talking about.

Quote from mikey_G :The biggest problem last year with the points was that we did it in excel (which sucks imo). If we have some preparation time, I'll try to code something that gets the race results at the end of the race, puts it into a sql db, and then exports it back out to lfs so every participating driver can see their points immediately (and without human error hopefully )

I used excel to calculate everything, nothing more than the use of sum() and it gets the job done easy enough.
Im still trying to finish off the website i showed you guys a while back, mainly i want an MPR parsing feature, so race results dont need to be put in there manually it just yanks it from the race replay. The less manual work done by the user the fewer chances of mistakes being made and tbh one of the main reasons i decided to start building it was because of the unique manner in which you guys calculated the points, unique in the way that they were never correct

Quote from mr_x :OK my ideas, I've skimmed through most of this thread so sorry if they've been mentioned:

Multi-Class racing, have some in UF1.3 and some in UF1. Make it fair so there will be some UF1s in the field to race with, then you get the added skills of lapping the slower cars (which I presume they are).

Keep it to the short tracks, there's nothing more boring than being in a car that does a max speed of 90mph if you push it having 4 minute laps. There's not enough races held on the shorter tracks these days.

Run 2 races per round of equal length (20 mins sound good) at the same track.

Ballast - becoming much more common in motorsport these days, makes the racing closer and the championship much closer. Should run in BTCC style where the top 4 or 5 in the championship carry ballast through practice/quali and race 1, then race 2 the ballast is determined by finishing positions in race 1.

Drop scores: allow people to drop their 2 worst event scores. This also allows people a bit more freedom so that effectively they can miss 2 rounds and have a social life.

Also keep it to 1 night a week. Thursday nights are good, but personally I can't do them until mid-October.

Or early October and miss the first 2 rounds
Theres a few things in there I definately agree with. I've always liked the idea of dropping rounds, but i feel it gets ignored because of rule #294 'They dont drop rounds/points in real life' which is fine, but until people are paid similar sums to real racers i think it would help some people by allowing rounds to be dropped if something crops up, it encourages people to turn up even if they've missed a race, it also allows the weakest result (or 2, whatever) to be dropped, so a mistake is less costly, particularly if its one you had no part in.

Short tracks
No point in racing round FE Black and never seeing another soul after a couple of corners, smaller tracks mean quicker to learn, means less emphasis on spending too much time on practicing. Granted it doesnt mean wing it, but its easier to learn FE Club's few corners than FE Gold's.

Ballast will be tricky, it should be carried over from one event to the next, but also needs to be reduced fairly if you have a bad race, thats the tricky bit IMO.
Say 1st-3rd get +15/10/5kg added, with a maximum of 20kg to a car. Then 4th-6th can have -5/10/15 dropped, 7th onwards removes all ballast.
I think if you give ballast to any more people than the top 3, say top 5, then it means you've got to finish further down than 5th in order to lose weight, which means your going to end up with a lot of people carrying maximum ballast, if you keep finishing 5th your going to keep getting weight added and before long be on the same weight as someone frequently finishing 1st-3rd when you both hit the max ballast.
Maybe it could be ballast based on the last 3 races?? But then thats messy, veeeeery messy, would be fine IRL but theres too much emphasis on the driver knowing what they should be carrying (which may be tricky enough as it is).
Eitherway, i'd definately suggest that if Ballast is used (and i fully support the idea of it) then it needs to be thought through carefully.

Still prefer 1 class on track at a time, i like (and would compete in) 2 seperate events, UF1 and UFr (baby R), but would still sooner see 30 people in the same spec car racing each other rather than 15 of each, last season the numbers dropped and when it got to 7-8 people it got a bit dull (not dull dull, but it deserved more people being there than the numbers that turned up!) and was good again when the final round came along and everyone was thrown into the same server.
Quote from PaulC2K :
I used excel to calculate everything, nothing more than the use of sum() and it gets the job done easy enough.
Im still trying to finish off the website i showed you guys a while back, mainly i want an MPR parsing feature, so race results dont need to be put in there manually it just yanks it from the race replay. The less manual work done by the user the fewer chances of mistakes being made and tbh one of the main reasons i decided to start building it was because of the unique manner in which you guys calculated the points, unique in the way that they were never correct

In the first season I was a big excel hater, and justin and butz had the same feelings as me i think, so all in all it was recipe for disaster.
Now i'm planning to write something that will get the race results from lfs directly, and spits them into a sql db, along with ballast info so the driver himself doesnt need to remember how much to put in.
Like I said before, see it as a mix between lfspoints and something you get when you finished a race on ctra.
Only downside is that this programming will take some time, and i dont have a lot of free time, so I hope the season starts a little later then you expect

anyhow, I do agree with most of your points, especially the ballast thing
If your working in php which sounds the most likely as you mentioned SQL'ing it, i might be able to help on some of the smaller side aspects, im good at using existing things to get what i want, i just dont have the ability to make the original tool to start with. As you've seen ive been able to build/replicate last seasons structure and have it automatically utilise the scoring system you used and it worked fine, but it requires the manual work of throwing in race results which is something i'd really love to scrap, but dont know how to go about getting this, either from LFSW, parsing MPR's, or an insim/outsim(shakeitallaboutsim) type program logging the info in the background etc so if your able to get that out i'd be happy to help with the surrounding parts.
I'm actually writing in c# with sdether's lfslib. If you need a hand with getting race results exported, I could write a program if you want. If you're interested in that we can discuss it further in the lfsh forum.
.... well past mins a question came to my mind:
how will the champions of the May-Hem Cup and the Fall-Out cup be mentioned by the number plate... okey, the driver championchip (for D1) is clear, that the champion will get the No 1... but how does it work for past May-Ham-Chup's D2 champ?? will he get No 2?? and what'S about the team champions??

what I had in mind was:

driver champions get #1
team champions get Yellow Plates
privatee champions* get Blue Plates

*= use for May-Hem Cup 2007's D2 Champ
**= May-Hem Cup 2007's D2 Team Champs get Red Plates
As a real-life mini driver and an LFS-fan: no matter what the discision is: I'm in!!
Grtz Teun
The last round of season 2 was last night, so I'm afraid you missed it Sorry!
oops lol I was wondering why this post was in Baby-r section
OK so season 3 it is
Grtz Teun
Quote from LFSn00b :it's UF1000 owners club afterall!

nope...I think it's more like UF owners club...