The online racing simulator
Open for critique
(5 posts, started )
#1 - PlusP
Open for critique
I just started skinning recently when I decided to enter the car in the first 2 pics in the LX contest. My Photoshop/Paintshop knowledge is laughable so it takes me a really long time to do some pretty basic stuff.

Here's a couple of ones I am working on and some critique would be really helpful.

Used brushed aluminum texture for hood and fenders and wood texture for body. I thought it came out pretty cool. I haven't seen anyone use wood on the LX's yet and I think it gives it that "vintage look".

The blue LX is the 1st one I attempted. I think the checkered pattern is too "gawdy" (sp.) and I am looking for a replacement pattern.
Attached images
#2 - PlusP
I had trouble getting images into the browser on the above post, so I ended up posting twice. (I just realized I could upload images directly from my computer...DUH.) Since it is an "edit", here's the FOX I did last night. Still searching for some good graphics, but I intend to keep it pretty simple.
Attached images
Well, seen worse first skins. But you could try something less colorful and make the color change to another on one side of the car and not just color the top and sides with different colors because it looks so silly. You could also experiment and practice wrapping stuff around the side and top parts, matching the lines accurately so it looks natural.

edit. The pics are so small because they are thumbnails, click on them to make them bigger.
#4 - PlusP
They weren't thumbnails. I was using imageshack before I figured out I could upload an image directly. I'm just inept , but I got it fixed. TY for the feedback.
It would be easier to judge the skins if your screenshots had more light. Try taking them from an angle where the car isn't in shadow.

Open for critique
(5 posts, started )