The online racing simulator
opinions on w.i.p
(4 posts, started )
opinions on w.i.p
right, im almost done with this skin, bar a few little bits, like exact positions of the sponsers and undergraphics, etc. but i need some input, maybe 1 or 2 things to add, or take off.

#2 - Vain
First: Great artwork.
Second: I think the red color is a bit too dark. A brighter red would make it more appealing, I think.
Third: Do something with the C-column. It's the only visible spot (from a driver's position) with nothing on it.
Fourth: If you want to make screenshots of it, you might also want to put something on the top of the car, so the top fits the rest of the car.
Fifth: It's already a great skin. These are just the things I noticed.

yea, ill prob put a sponser or url on the c collum, and maybe abouve the door, and im still not sure about the roof, nothing seems to fit there, any ideas anyone??
well here is a screenie of it in action
#4 - bbman
Maybe clear the white wing end caused by the n of Mugen...

opinions on w.i.p
(4 posts, started )