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New GTA 6 trailer, what do you think?
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I think everyone here has been playing the gta series of games, and here is the trailer of the long awaited new part. Confirmed leaks that the main characters will be a loving couple of gangsters like Bonnie and Clyde, who are operating in a place with references to Vice City.
What do you think?

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Quote from rane_nbg :Aleksandr, what you seek is completely legit, it's just that your audience is not in this forum. I'm sure you will find much better people to debate with in some of the human sciences forums. Your "greek philosopher" skills are not understood and are pretty much wasted by trying to get some brain food here.

I understand that, and I'm not even trying to find someone who knows about philosophy and argumentation theory here (edit: i mean not anymore), maybe at least someone who can discuss without emotion, and just try to think about it with a cold head and rationalize their views, whatever they may be.
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
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Can you communicate less.. emotionally?

Quote from reason0809 :Its none of your business to decide if Pro Choice is considered murder

So that's your business if that's what you decide? Convenient. Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi.

Quote from reason0809 :Its none of your business to rule over a womens body if they want to keep it or not.

Where did I say what a woman should or shouldn't do? Please, let's avoid the strawman arguments...
Do you know the difference between a prescription and a description?
A descriptive statement captures something the way it is. A prescriptive statement details how something should be. I've never once written about what should be in this topic. But I was writing about the way it is.

Quote from reason0809 :I'm capable of thinking with my own head

And that's why you can't provide reasoning. Makes sense. (no)

Quote from reason0809 :The whole point in this thread you started was trying to gather pro life arguments, but you failed.

It's in your mind. The first post says that the topic is made to support a reasoned argument on hot-topic. I don't care what position is being defended, I care about having arguments. I don't mind if my argument is false. I don't have support for the pro-life position. I came up with that argument just to warm up the discussion. I've written that repeatedly. But you are blinded by your rage...

Quote from reason0809 :wont jump on the bandwagon of your ****ed up propaganda

A person who repeats left-liberal talking points accuses me of propaganda. That's interesting.
What kind of propanaganda am I exposed to? I'm really curious to hear the answer.
S3 licensed
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :I forgot to clarify that I don't care at all what positions anyone holds, what matters is the arguments, i.e. the reasoning behind those positions.

What I get is emoticons, insults, unfounded theses. I get everything but reasoning. I don't care if you're pro-choice or pro-life. Give me some rationale. But there's only rage, only emotions.

I did this whole thread as an experiment to see if a reasoned conversation is possible here.
Apparently not... It's disappointing.
S3 licensed
Quote from reason0809 :Her body, her choice. Its none of our business.

That's right, her body, her choice. It's a her choice what to do with her body. And so a human being can't decide what to do with another human being's. Especially if it concerns murder. This is a pro-life argument. So i do not understand why you're in favour of pro-choice. And why you talk in slogans without explaining anything. As if you're not capable of thinking with your own head, but only repeating someone else's agenda.
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Quote from rane_nbg :Ok, I have to involve.

I could start a discussion, but since it affects you personally and your feelings, I wouldn't want to. But if you could take it apart from yourself, maybe a reasonable discussion could be had.
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I didn't say my argument was correct, I just asked you to consider its premises. And I said I didn't have a clear position on the issue. I took a pro-life position to warm up the debate as stated in the first post. Instead, it was a spate of gratuitous insults. It's a shame to see this level of discourse. I expected something better than this.
Unfortunately, everyone here is thinking emotionally instead of rationally.
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :I think this topic is far too much about discussed in here, although so are several others.

Abortion is of course a murder, but reasons why abortions are still being done are extremely thin layer between black, grey and white areas. One perspective about this doesn't justify whether things should do like this or so. Humans have feelings... We feel bad when someone's life is taken away before it even started... yet we still happen to take out each others during wars, because we want so.

And then there is about innocence... religion... status... human race even... all of these reasons about this topic.

I am not the correct person about discussing this, but whatever is the reason, it should not be taken lightly about this.

I agree. Because of their feelings, people come up with mental constructs to assuage their feelings about abortion. And I don't see anything wrong with that if it only serves to help yourself, and doesn't go as spreading ideas to others.

But what does it mean to not take it lightly? I'm in favor of not bringing any feelings into this topic. I realize that's gonna be difficult for a lot of people. And maybe those who can't make it shouldn't discuss it. If we make decisions based on our feelings rather than on rationality. Could that be the problem?
S3 licensed
Quote from NumberTwo :You are eloquent idiot.

You can argument things in a way so it constructs a structure where only your opinion is valid, and everyone disagreeing with you has to go through even more complex constructs to try and "prove" you in the wrong. This is a racing games forum, go race and stop talking bullshit.

And your argument is insults? Well, that's not surprising from someone who hasn't heard anything about argumentation theory. I brought in a deductive argument instead of describing my feelings and experiences.
And this isa racing games off topic forum. Where people discuss things like music, movies, news, wars, history, philosophy. This question is part of philosophical discourse. From applied ethics. If you can't say anything about it and bring atleast some meaning, then you shouldn't post here, because it's your posts that are out of place here.
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Quote from reason0809 :I couldn’t care less if your "arguments" are valid or not.

Her body, her choice. End of discussion.

As you wish. But only on the basis of these theses of yours, I could start a discussion on this topic, asking clarifying questions to get to the core of your position.

But instead you said, "End of discussion." That's your right. But why not try to have a discussion about it? I am ready to recognize good arguments of the interlocutor if they contradict mine. And if these arguments are stronger than mine, I will have to recognize that his position is stronger and makes more sense.

By the way, I originally held the prochoice position as well. Just because the environment imposed or just because of the zeitgeist. But when I was confronted with a really strong position that was hard to argue with, I just accepted it. And I improved my position.

In my opinion, it's always good to question your positions, even if you believe them to be true. That's the essence of critical thinking, to question your own beliefs in order to improve your views, if you do not do this, it will lead to stagnation, that's why I like reasoned discussions or debates and that's why I don't like when participants of these debates start using sophistry and various rhetorical tricks. Suppose you lost in this debate because the arguments of your interlocutor were stronger. What's wrong with that? Bad and good are just value judgments that essentially mean nothing. What matters is who gained new knowledge? The one who lost the debate and learned new arguments he hadn't thought of before has gained new knowledge. And the winner of the debate has gained nothing. So the real winner is the one who gained something, isn't he? in my opinion, the real winner is the one who has realized something new and based on it can adjust his position. The worst thing you can do in this situation is to end the discussion without starting it.

If you're still not interested just don't reply to this post and the discussion with you on this matter will be over.
S3 licensed
Quote from johneysvk :100% pro-choice

Quote from reason0809 :Agreed.

If you are in favor of pro-choice, and you stand for it consistently, then you must show that my argument is false based on the fact that one (or more) premises are not true.
To reiterate my deductive argument:

T. If it is immoral for you to murder a human being, then abortion is immoral.
If it is morally normal for you to murder a human being, then abortion is not immoral.
P1. Murder - premeditated killing of human being by another human being.
P2. A human zygote (and then blastocyst, fuetus, embryo, infant and any stage of the human being) is a human being (Homo sapiens)
P3. Abortion - premeditated killing of human being by another human being.
C. Abortion is murder.

There are four options here:
1. You show that my argument is false based on the fact that one (or more) premises are not true.
2. You advocate frivolous murder of people and that's morally normal for you. (And maybe you're in favor of negative eugenics, because why not?)
3. You show your inconsistency and essentially you have no reasoning to be in favor of pro-choice.
4. You agree with my argument because you can't argue with it and are in favor of pro-life.
S3 licensed
I forgot to clarify that I don't care at all what positions anyone holds, what matters is the arguments, i.e. the reasoning behind those positions.
The issue of abortions. Pro-choice vs pro-life argument.
S3 licensed
I'm wondering if we can support a reasoned argument on hot-topic as issue of abortions. Unfortunately I have often noticed that when engaging in arguments people tend to use rhetorical tricks and logical fallacies to defend their positions. I don't have a strict position on this issue, but since I know the majority is pro-choice on the abortion issue, then I'll take a pro-life position to warm up the discussion and try to argue it logically.

An important condition for participation in the discussion is not to use sophistry and other rhetorical tricks to defend your position or argue a different position. Straw man arguments, appeals to emotions, to the majority, to the law, to authority are all sophistry, which is not proof of anything. Also ideally do not use inductive arguments cuz they are not proofs. Although I don't expect to see a collection of deductive arguments in favour of pro-choice positions.

As they say you have to start with yourself, and I will formulate my position with a deductive logical argument that comes from a fork (T) - thesis with two options.

T. If it is immoral for you to murder a human being, then abortion is immoral.
If it is morally normal for you to murder a human being, then abortion is not immoral.
P1. Murder - premeditated killing of human being by another human being.
P2. A human zygote (and then blastocyst, fuetus, embryo, infant and any stage of the human being) is a human being (Homo sapiens)
P3. Abortion - premeditated killing of human being by another human being.
C. Abortion is murder.

Any logical argument will work if we accept its premises. If you can prove that any of the premises are wrong, then the argument will not work.

I think all the primises are obvious except that the human zygote is a human being. And probably that's the premise that will be argued most often. I'll explain why I took this primis. Any moment when a non-human becomes a human being is arbitrary except for the very beginning - the zygote. Because this is the very moment when the human dna of one person of the mother and another human being of the father merge into one cell and give birth to a new organism. What species does this organism belong to? Homo sapiens - human being. (I will disclaim that I am an agnostic and religious positions on this issue are not important to me)
This moment when two objects (sperm and ovum) become one object (zygote) is the moment that sets all the conditions for the emergence of a new human being. And each of these two objects individually does not possess the full set of genetic code to form a human being. And when they merge, the genetic code of the mother and father is merged and it is from this point that human growth begins. Any subsequent moment is arbitrary. Zygote is just a stage of human development like any other. With each new stage we can acquire some new attributes. From puberty to adulthood, we mature, our brains develop, and we become smarter and more experienced and we're acquiring more and more attributes. It doesn't mean that at any stage a non-human suddenly became human. You can argue and prove it's not true. This could be interesting.

It may be noted that the form of my deductive argument can justify some cases of abortions. For example, in the case of a threat to the life of a woman in labour, cuz it is morally justifiable to murder in self-defence. It all depends on whether murder is morally permissible for you. You can say you don't think frivolous murders is immoral, and then there is no problem with abortion.
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Quote from dvd14 :Scawen, after you made changes to the behavior of the bots, they began to go even slower. Maybe it is possible to make some kind of scam bots that will use alternative accelerated physics or reduced weight of the car?

Are you sure? According to the tests here, the bots are going faster now.
S3 licensed
Quote from rog_nilsson :How is the possibility of having "slabs" with asphalt, gravel, grass, and concrete? Would make the editor SUPER.

should be possible given all materials are already in-game.

Rally, rallycross would become greater than ever atleast.


Yes I agree, this would be a big help when creating lays.
S3 licensed
Eric recently said he'd be giving some new screenshots soon.
FIA Esports Survey
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A survey from the FIA asking what role e-sports plays in sim racing and what role you play in it. Also in which racing simulators you play more and which racing simulator you want to see in e-sports competitions (I think you know the answer to that oneLFSBig grin)
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I don't know much about it but I have crazy idea. I'm not entirely sure if this will work, but if it is, it's a solution to the problem.

It requires two conditions.
1. If the author of the LFSLazy wants its functionality to be part of the game
2. If the developers want the LFSLazy functionality to be part of the game. (I bet the players clearly want to)

Then the author of LFSLazy puts his code on github or something under free access CC0, or GNU or whichever is better (not sure) And then Scawen can integrate it into the game.
As a result, no one's rights are violated and players have the desired functionality. Everybody's happier, right?

But I'm not sure how it would work on part when code putting it out publicly wouldn't it violate the LFS license? And is there any possibility to pass only those parts that the author of LFSLazy added in the code. And if its not, maybe, only members of the repository can see the code, although it will not be a free license anymore.
In general, it is necessary to transfer the code without violating anyone's rights. Is there a solution to this?
S3 licensed
I agree that xrg and xrt need to be updated, and that goes for every other car except the rb4. but Eric is working on Tracks right now.

In theory is it possible to make your mod under LFS Vehicle License, and then Eric can use that mod as an update for LFS official vehicle so he doesn't have to spend his time on modeling and texturing?
S3 licensed
Quote from rane_nbg :Well, I skim through it. It is always the same story between you 3 guys Smile Trying to outsmart each other with fancy philosophical ideas, that does not solve anything, global warming is still happening, what ever we say Smile

Yes, it dilutes the topic and is something that needs to be avoided. But I didn't bring in philosophy, logic and Occam's razor into this thread. Avraham needed that to discuss global warming for some reason. And all I have done each time is clearly show that he doesn't understand anything about the above topics. And then I would get accusations that I was going off topic or engaging in sophistry. It's a convenient position, but how if I wasn't the one who introduced these topics here?
I don't think we should introduce topics that don't contribute to the global warming discussion, especially if you don't understand anything about them.

Now there's a good topic about nuclear power and environmental pollution. Saying we should not litter and segregate trash are pretty trivial things. But still not in my country and many others. So it's still a problem.

I won't pretend to be an expert in nuclear and thermonuclear power field, because I don't understand much about it.
But we know from history that there are some risks associated with nuclear power plant accidents. They are less danger of such incidents now with the increase in safety, but I think its are non-zero probability that something bad might happen again. And there is splent nuclear fuel from nuclear power plants, as far as I know it's stored in special pools that are quite safe. So, as long as there are no accidents, nuclear power plants are really the best sources of electricity in terms of ecology and efficiency. When it comes to environmentally friendly sources, that have no emissions there are we still have solar energy, wind and hydro energy. And I don't think we need to forget about them.

I can't say much about thermonuclear reactors, and as far as I know they don't exist as practical working models. They still exist as experimental prototypes. So there's not much to say for now. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, . Reason : Spelling fixed
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Quote from paket42x :Just a person who is well known in RU community for being a typical sophist and a phoney, so dont be so shy, u really made this clearBig grin

And of course, you won't provide any proof of what you say.
I didn't think you were on so massive copium...that because I beat you in an argument, you're gonna follow me around the forums to try to get at me. It's pathetic.
But I don't care about you. So how about you just accept the situation and move on?
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Automatic = On when ignition is on / vehicle is on. Off when opposite.
Automatic 2 = Depending how dark area is sensoring, adjusting by %.
On = Always on when switched.
Off = ALways off when switched.

Also, there are adjustments of how bright/dim dashboard is, excluding emergency switch, which is in some vehicles, always bright.

EDIT: About what self-lit should be.

I think it's just a on and off switch.

Automatic modes can be made in LFS Editor optionally with a switch between the first and second option. But not both at the same time. Because the first automatic mode simulates electric lighting. And the second one simulates luminous paint like on dashes on old cars.

Edit: Although there are probably cars with dashes that have luminous paint and an electric lighting at the same time, but it still for LFS Editor.
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
S3 licensed
Oh, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
I just thought so because there was a link from the test patch thread.
S3 licensed
I don't want to tell you what you need to do. But I think dashboard lighting is something that makes sense when it's nighttime. And nighttime is planned for the dev version with graphics and physics. And probably it will look different with the new shaders and bloom effect and that will have to change again. Specially if its not easy to implement. So maybe it's better to do the dashboard lighting on the development version?
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Keep coping and following my posts.